Gbg Ramona
Gbg Ramona GBG Corey Corkey - Mosaic - TPG Viceroy - Classic - TPG Sammie
Twinkle - Mosaic - TPG Shade - TPG
Snow White - TPG
Correy Reds - TPG
GBG Paprika and Pepper Whisper - Classic - TPG Ethan - leu
Ilene - normal with leu Ethan
Basil Girls - TPG Basil - Normal - TPG Reggie
Muskrat - TPG
Estelle - wfb, TPG

Female sugar glider present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Female sugar glider present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Female sugar glider present four times in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present four times in 4 generation pedigree