AS Rain
Name AS Rain (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Agnes Sagrati
Gender Female
Father AS Fire
Mother AS Ginger
Picture Unknown
OOP Date
Color Leucistic
Inbred percentage 1.4367 %
Brothers and sisters
14 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
AS Ginger - Fire Male OOP 8-23-2018 08/23/2018 Classic Grey
AS Leahtoo 05/22/2018 Classic Grey
AS Lola 11/05/2021 Leucistic
AS marigold 11292020 Creme-ino
AS Merlot 02/07/2018 Cremeino Mosaic 100% Creme Het - 66% Leu/Plat Het
AS peanut MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic Ringtail
AS peanut MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic Ringtail
AS Skipy MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic (unusual)
AS Tilly 02/05/2022 Leucistic
Awai 07/30/2019 Cremeino Mosaic 66% Leu/Plat het
Aztec NGG 07/30/2020 Mosaic 100% Creme 50% Plat/Lue
Boots* 07/30/2019 Cremeino Mosaic 66% Leu Plat het
FireFly Sugarkisses 06/08/2021 Mosaic 100 creme 50 Leu
Valentino MK 02/07/2018 Mosaic 100% Creme Het/ 66% Leu/plat Het
Added by Tiny-tot gliders
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree