AS Skipy
Name AS Skipy (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Agnes Sagrati
Gender Male
Father AS Fire
Mother AS Ginger
Picture Unknown
Color Mosaic (unusual)
Remarks mark on butt
Inbred percentage 1.4367 %
Brothers and sisters
14 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
AS Ginger - Fire Male OOP 8-23-2018 08/23/2018 Classic Grey
AS Leahtoo 05/22/2018 Classic Grey
AS Lola 11/05/2021 Leucistic
AS marigold 11292020 Creme-ino
AS Merlot 02/07/2018 Cremeino Mosaic 100% Creme Het - 66% Leu/Plat Het
AS peanut MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic Ringtail
AS peanut MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic Ringtail
AS Rain Leucistic
AS Tilly 02/05/2022 Leucistic
Awai 07/30/2019 Cremeino Mosaic 66% Leu/Plat het
Aztec NGG 07/30/2020 Mosaic 100% Creme 50% Plat/Lue
Boots* 07/30/2019 Cremeino Mosaic 66% Leu Plat het
FireFly Sugarkisses 06/08/2021 Mosaic 100 creme 50 Leu
Valentino MK 02/07/2018 Mosaic 100% Creme Het/ 66% Leu/plat Het
Added by Tiny-tot gliders
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree