Marshall - TTSG
Name Marshall - TTSG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Lori Homer
Breeder Danielle Eitson
Gender Male
Father John Deere - MGW&M/CnC (RB)
Mother Doe - MGW&M/CnC (RB)
OOP Date 05/03/2014
Color Platinum
Genetics WF, 100% Leu het
Inbred percentage 1.6572 %
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Aaemon HSHSG 7/31/16 Mosaic Piebald 100% plat
Aaron-SGW 01/13/2016 Mosaic Ringtail Hets: 100% Leu/Plat ~ Mother proved out with TPM (Arthas-CnC)
cow tipped girl MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
Grace SSI 06/14/2016 Mosaic with reverse white stripe 100% lue het and 12.5% plat het
Jester (Pet Home) 04-10-2016 Platinum White Faced, 50% Leu het, True Platinum Mosaic.
Justice - CnC 8-1-2015 Mosaic RT, poss 100% plat het, 50% leu het
Princeton HSHSG 06/21/2017 Platinum
Sweet Tea x Marshall TEST JOEY MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey CG, Mo, & WF poss; 100% plat het, 50% leu het
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bella - CnC/Amanda 01/20/2014 Platinum WF & 100% Leu het.
Bobo - CnC/Amanda 01/20/2014 Platinum 100% Leu het
Cream - CnC/Cora 07/04/2013 Platinum Also WF; Haley plat line
Lydia - CnC/Autumn 05/03/2014 Classic Grey White Face 100% Leu het, 12.5% Plat het
Added by Danielle
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree