Walter MK
Name Walter MK (click to view pedigree)
Owner Mat Kimmes
Breeder Brandi
Gender Male
Father St. Nick
Mother Surprise Sisters
OOP Date 10/01/2016
Color Leucistic
Genetics Mocistic, 50% Cremeino
Remarks Slight black spotting to ears.
Inbred percentage 1.4858 %
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Nickgirlsgg 02/01/2018 Mosaic 66% Leu, 50% creme low albino het
Pebbles KKL SGG 05/25/2019 Leucistic 50 % Creme het, low Albino het
st.nickcrememos MM/DD/YYYY Cremeino Mosaic 66% Leu het low albino het
St.Nickjoeysgg MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Added by Mat Kimmes
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree