St. Nick
Name St. Nick (click to view pedigree)
Owner Brandi Trondson
Breeder Unknown
Gender Male
Father Orion (Ryan) HSG
Mother Twilight (Minagerie)
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 12/17/2014
Color Ringtail
Genetics 100% Leu Het 50% creme Het
Inbred percentage 0.7506 %
15 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Beach sgg MM/DD/2020 Cremeino Mosaic
Creamino girl (Fawn) 05/27/2021 Creme-ino Leucistic & platinum het
lacygirl sgg MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino Leu, Plat het
Lacyrubymos sgg MM/DD/YYYY Ruby Leu Mosaic has speckle ear. Proven Platinum
Lola BMB MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino
Mariketa ML 07/25/2021 Ruby Leu
Nickgirlsgg 02/01/2018 Mosaic 66% Leu, 50% creme low albino het
Nico sgg 01/10/2022 Mosaic
Olivia SMG MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic (unusual) Pied
Pebbles KKL SGG 05/25/2019 Leucistic 50 % Creme het, low Albino het
st.nickcrememos MM/DD/YYYY Cremeino Mosaic 66% Leu het low albino het
St.Nickjoeysgg MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Sylvanas ML 07/25/2021 Creme-ino
Walter MK 10/01/2016 Leucistic Mocistic, 50% Cremeino
Wynter/Silver- PRSG 06/20/2022 Mosaic 100% cremeino het 100% leucistic het
Brothers and sisters
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Cabernet ~SunsetSuggies~ 06/25/2015 Mosaic with reverse white stripe 100% het Leu 50% het Creme Pied lines (mom is progressive pied)
Liam SGG 04/29/2014 Classic Grey 100% het leucistic and 50% het creme-ino from pied lines
Lucca ~SunsetSuggies~ 04/29/2014 Classic Grey 100% het for leu and 50% het for creme-ino from pied lines
Starr ~SunsetSuggies~ 03/24/2015 Classic Grey 100% Het Leucistic, 50% Creme-ino Het
TwilightOrionMale 12/17/2014 Mosaic Ringtail 100% leucistic het, 50% creme-ino het
Added by Brandi Trondson
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree