Fortes and Chanel Test
Fortes and Chanel Test Shepherd & Snap/Crackle/Pop - MOS TPG Shepherd - strawberry wfb, 100% cr. het TPG Moon Doggy - Strawberry WFB Mosaic (Minimal) - TPG
Devons Divas (2) - White Face Blondes - TPG
Snap, Crackle & Pop - TPG Vader - mosaic, cremeino het - TPG
Vanda/Sienna - TPG
Chanel-My Little Sugar Glider/FBT
Halflinger FBT
Jack Vanner-FBT (lollipop)
Tinker Kona-FBT
Sarafine FBT Gwydion FBT~ White Mo (TLC)