GBG Chaotic x Meggie
GBG Chaotic x Meggie GBG Chaotic HSG Chaos Charon Benificio - cremeino, wfb FFR
Irene - het - FFR
WF girl out of jade and jasper Jasper - cremeino
HSG Callista GBG Sully Franco - 66% het cremeino FFR
GBG Fortune - 100% het for Creme-ino/50% het for Leucist Plato- Creme-ino
Movesa- 100% het for Leucistic
GBG Meggie Willis Tantalus (B.G)-Mosaic Sachi - male mosaic
Fira & Prilla (B.G) Nortic Jr (B.G)
Xiu Mei (B.G)
Melissa Moszak (B.G)-Platinum Mosaic Moses - mosaic
Mary - S & S
Krimiko (B.G)-Crem-ino Steven - White Face Blonde

Female sugar glider present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Female sugar glider present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Female sugar glider present four times in 4 generation pedigree
Male sugar glider present four times in 4 generation pedigree