Tigress NG
Name Tigress NG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Nala Gonzalez
Breeder Nala Gonzalez
Gender Female
Father Thor JB
Mother Tinkerbell-SFL
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 08/08/2022
Color BFBB Mosaic
Remarks Super Ringtail
Inbred percentage 0.2998 %
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Arnie NG MG 04/09/2023 Mosaic Ringtail White Face
Lamborghini NG MG 10/01/2023 BFBB Mosaic
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bf mo T x T SFL 08/08/2022 Mosaic 25% creme, 8.25 lue/plat, 6.25 albino
Cirilla jlc MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Druid (Triple S Gliders)-SFL MM/DD/YYYY BFBB Mosaic 25% creme, 8% lue/plat, 6% albino
Tissaia jc MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Added by Nala Gonzalez
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree