Name Mysterio-SH (click to view pedigree)
Owner Ikarous-Isabel Navarrete
Breeder Sandra Petis
Gender Male
Father Fujur-Ikarous
Mother Áuryn-BG
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 12/25/2022
Color Ruby Leu
Inbred percentage 3.2269 %
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Kamaji-Ikarous 18/09/2023 Ruby Leu
Nala-Ikarous (Sedna) 18/09/2023 Creme-ino 100%Platino/leucistico
Brothers and sisters
3 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Henna -SH 06/13/2023 Creme-ino portadora 66% leucistico
Mística- SH 12/25/2022 Creme-ino 66% leu
Saphira - SH 06/13/2023 Cremeino Mosaic portadora 66% leucistico
Added by Hernández
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree