Koa MM
Name Koa MM (click to view pedigree)
Owner Angela Bassett
Breeder Carolee Barry
Gender Male
Father Poe MM
Mother Raven MM
OOP Date 06/01/2022
Color White Face
Genetics 100% plat het, 66% leu & Cr het
Remarks Possible minimum mosiac due to white specs on back of ears and powdered sugar smudge on stripe. Joeys will prove out
Inbred percentage 1.5732 %
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Fauna MM 05/30/2023 Leucistic 66% cr het
Flora mm 05/30/2023 White Face 100% plat, 66 % leu and cr
Ian MM 09/29/2022 BFBB - Black Face Black Beauty 100 % plat het, 66 cr % leu het
Jack MM 02/17/2023 Leucistic 100% plat, 66% cr het
Paige MM 06/01/2022 Leucistic 66 % cr
Peter MM 02/17/2023 White Face 100% plat, 66% cr and leu het (plat from dad, leu from both sides (proven).
Silver Lining MM 09/29/2022 White Face 100% Plat het, 66% Leu (proven) & CR het
Added by Carolee
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree