Kit Kat (Hodges) Krug
Name Kit Kat (Hodges) Krug (click to view pedigree)
Owner Mark Krug
Breeder Connie Hodges
Gender Female
Father Stitch (Hodges)
Mother Lilo (Hodges)
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 04/25/2022
Color Classic Grey
Genetics 50% leu 33% plat 50% cremeino
Inbred percentage 1.3598 %
Brothers and sisters
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Chip (Anderson) 07/12/2020 White Face 50% Leu, 33% Plat, 50% Creme
Dale (Anderson) 07/12/2020 White Face 50% Leu, 33% Plat, 50% Creme
Mike (Anderson) 01/01/2022 Classic Grey 50% Leu, 33% Plat, 50% Creme
Shadow (Anderson) 06/12/2021 Classic Grey 50% Leu, 33% Plat, 50% Creme
Snickers (Hodges) Krug 04/25/2022 Ringtail 50% leu 33% plat 50% cremeino
Sugar (Anderson) 06/12/2021 Mosaic Ringtail 50% Leu, 33% Plat, 50% Creme
Sully (Anderson) 01/01/2022 Ringtail 50% Leu, 33% Plat, 50% Creme
Ziggy - MSG 08/06/2022 Mosaic Ringtail 50% Leu, 25% Plat, 50% Creme
Zoe (Anderson) 03/09/2021 White Face 50% Leu, 33% Plat, 50% Creme
Added by conniepat
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree