Risky - Powdered Mosaic - TPG
Name Risky - Powdered Mosaic - TPG (click to view pedigree)
Owner The Pet Glider
Breeder Priscilla Price
Gender Female
Father Randy - Leucistic - TPG
Mother Misty - White Mosaic - TPG
Color Mosaic
Genetics 100% leu het
Inbred percentage 1.9531 %
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Colette - Mosaic - TPG 2011/11/20 Mosaic 66% het for leucistic
Eiffel & Risky babies YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Elf - Classic - TPG 2010/11/01 Classic Grey 100% het for leucistic
Julia - Mosaic Leucistic - TPG 2012-07-15 Leucistic leucistic/mosaic - dark ears are a trait of a mosaic.
Lily - Classic -Now named Lily Rash 2010/08/15 Classic Grey 66% het for leucistic
Peking Male & Risky Test YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Perdita 2011/11/20 Mosaic 66% het leu
Phoebe - Mosaic (Zarco) 07/15/2012 Mosaic 66% het for leucistic
Brothers and sisters
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Pascal - 100% leu het 2008/10/16 Red/Brown Series 100% het for leucistic, mother is mosaic
Randoff - Mosaic - TPG 2009/03/01 Mosaic 100% het for leucistic
Added by pedigree admin
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree