Willow TS
Name Willow TS (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Tara Swilley
Gender Female
Father RA Isaac RLO
Mother Tear Cruse RA
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 09/04/2021
Color Mosaic
Remarks "Mocistic" with Cow Ears Pet Only
Inbred percentage 1.302 %
Brothers and sisters
18 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Akroma TS 04/25/2021 Platinum
Aspen TS 04/27/2020 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic
Blossom TS 09/19/2020 Mosaic
Cindy TS 11/18/2019 Mosaic
Claire TS 07/08/2020 Mosaic Ringtail Proven 100% leu/plat and 16.5% cremino.
Diva TS 02/02/2022 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic
Freddie TS 09/19/2020 Mosaic Ringtail
Grayson TS 12/18/2022 Platinum
Isaac and tear test baby MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
Jane TS 07/07/2022 Classic Grey
Jasmine TS 02/02/2021 Mosaic
Kitara TS 04/20/2022 Mosaic Ringtail
Marshmallow TS 12/18/2022 Leucistic
Muffin TS 02/02/2022 Mosaic
Nala TS 02/02/2021 Mosaic Ringtail
Patches TS 11/19/2019 Mosaic
Penelope TS 11/23/2021 Mosaic
Tantor TS 7/7/2022 Platinum
Added by Tara Taylor Swilley
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree