Wylan MPV
Name Wylan MPV (click to view pedigree)
Owner Avon Benoit
Breeder Avon Benoit
Gender Male
Father CSG Wesley BA
Mother CSG Winifred MPV
OOP Date 12/18/2021
Color Creme-ino
Genetics cremino, het : leucistic 100%, white face 100%
Inbred percentage 2.4225 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Blanche MPV 05/22/2023 Leucistic het 100% leucistic, 100% cremino, 50% White face
mpvbb moanaXwylan 02/22/2023 Leucistic
Nebula MPV 01/13/2023 Leucistic
Rockette MPV 01/13/2023 White Face
vicky mpv 02/10/2024 Creme-ino
whity MPV 05/20/2023 Leucistic
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Watson MPV 12/03/2023 Creme-ino cremino, het : leucistic 100%, white face 100%
watts mpv 08/15/2022 White Faced Blonde Het 100% cremino 100% leucistic
Willie MPV 10/12/2022 White Face
Willow MPV 07/02/2023 Creme-ino
Added by Benoit Avon
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree