Nuage MPV
Name Nuage MPV (click to view pedigree)
Owner Avon Benoit
Breeder Avon Benoit
Gender Male
Father Bits
Mother Strong Phoebe
OOP Date 06/01/2021
Color Leucistic
Inbred percentage 0.3937 %
Brothers and sisters
16 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
BB Leucistic MPV 01/14/2022 Leucistic 100% leucistic
Betty MPV 02/09/2021 Leucistic
Cali (LaBoiteASucre) 09/12/2018 Platinum
Cooper (LaBoiteASucre) 12/15/2018 Platinum
Crystale (LaBoiteASucre) 05/25/2018 Leucistic
Elijah (LaBoiteASucre) 01/10/2020 Platinum
Kaidy (LaBoiteASucreVolant) 07/10/2020 Leucistic
Kenji (LaBoiteASucreVolant) 07/10/2020 Leucistic
Kenzo (LaBoiteASucre) 05/25/2018 Platinum
Lilo (LaBoiteASucre) 01/20/2021 Platinum
Moana MPV 01/14/2022 Leucistic Mocistic
Opale MF 02/09/2021 Leucistic
Perle MPV 01/14/2022 Platinum leucistic 100% het, Platinum
Seth (LaBoiteASucre) 02/16/2019 Platinum
Stitch II (LaBoiteASucre) 01/20/2021 Leucistic
Willow-Flocon (LaBoiteASucre) 01/10/2020 Leucistic
Added by Benoit Avon
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree