Name Declan (click to view pedigree)
Owner Kristi Goulet Tender Loving Suggies
Breeder Brandi McCoy
Gender Male
Father Spencer
Mother Remi STG
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 2010/10/13
Color Classic Grey
Genetics Cremeino Het/Albino Het/Platinum Het
Inbred percentage 0.4394 %
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Flynn (TLS) 2012/11/02 White Face *Deceased* Has never produced
Lilly hssg 11/14/2013 White Faced Blonde 66% creme-ino het, 33% albino, 12.5% plat
Mustard SKSG 2012/11/02 Creme-ino 25% Albino het 25% Plat het
Raj 2013/04/23 White Face PET ONLY (neutered) With sister, Zeeta
shelbydecan Classic Grey
Shredder (TLS) 2012/06/19 White Face PET ONLY (neutered)
Sugar Foot (TLS) 2012/06/18 White Face PET ONLY (neutered)
Talon hssg 08/29/2013 Creme-ino 25% plat het, 25% albino,
Zeeta 2013/04/23 Classic Grey PET ONLY with brother, Raj
Brothers and sisters
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Dawson 2010/10/13 White Faced Blonde Cremeino Het/Albino Het/Platinum Het
Added by Brandi Trondson
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree