Nirvana - Bronx
Name Nirvana - Bronx (click to view pedigree)
Owner Diana Kessler
Breeder cameron kirkwood
Gender Female
Father PorterBier Mbsg
Mother Bellini mbsg
Picture Unknown
Color Mosaic
Remarks Strawberry mosaic, cow ears, broken stripe
Inbred percentage 0.3753 %
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Heather T.T 09/04/2022 Mosaic (unusual) 25% MR , 25% creamino ,25% red series (NON MR) , 50% leu , 16% plat
KYLO WREN T.T. 05/27/2022 Mosaic with reverse white stripe PIED markers! 25% MR , 25% creamino ,25% red series (NON MR) , 50% lue , 16% plat
Leah T.T. 05/27/2022 Black Beauty 25%MR , 25%creamino , non MR 25%, lue 33%, plat 16%
Satin T.T 12/31/2021 Leucistic
Brothers and sisters
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
KKC Safari 05/07/2022 Ringtail
Portellini MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic
Added by Aevie
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree