Ruby NG
Name Ruby NG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Nala Gonzalez
Breeder Shawna Grayham
Gender Female
Father Jamz (shawnadee)
Mother Jewelz (shawnadee)
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 02/24/2021
Color Ruby Leu
Genetics 33% creme het
Inbred percentage 2.2868 %
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Elsa NG JM 06/03/2022 Platinum
Jalapeño NG 11/25/2023 Ruby Leu
Mercedes NG MG 11/25/2023 Ruby Leu
Platinum Male NG wc 06/03/2022 Platinum 100% leu
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Aryah Deel 08/09/2020 Ruby Leu 100% Creme het
cjc lexi 07-03-19 Platinum
Gypsy Queen 12/09/2021 Platinum 100 % Het for Leu (mom) 100 % Het for Plat or Ruby Plat (dad)
Haven (Shawnadee) 2/24/21 Ruby Leu
Jamz/Jewelz Test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Jamz/Jewelz test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Layke (Shawnadee) 08/09/2020 Platinum 100% lue 100% het creamino.
Added by Nala Gonzalez
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree