Raya (MSGZ)
Name Raya (MSGZ) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Melissa Evans ; )
Breeder Amy Waxman
Gender Female
Father Maui $
Mother CSG4 HeiHei
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 11/01/2020
Color Mosaic Piebald
Genetics 0.7%-COI
Remarks Father is from WOW Pied Lines
Inbred percentage 0.7583 %
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Blizzard (MSGZ) 01/10/2023 Mosaic Piebald 1.4% COI, 22.5% Cremeino Het, 39.3% Leucistic Het, 6.25% Platinum Het
Moonkiss (MSGZ) 01/10/2023 Mosaic Piebald 1.4% COI, 22.5% Cremeino Het, 39.3% Leucistic Het, 6.25% Platinum Het
OAKLEY (MSGZ) 03/04/2022 Mosaic Piebald 1.4% COI, 22.5% CREMEINO HET, 39.3% LEUCISTIC HET, 6.25% PLATINUM HET
Oakley SBC (MSGZ) 09/17/2022 Mosaic Piebald COI 1.4% 22.5% CREMEINO HET, 39.3% LEUISTIC HET, 6.25% PLATINUM
Brothers and sisters
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
DSRX Maya & Kara 02/08/2021 Mosaic
Legend NG 03/23/2020 Mosaic Piebald creme - leu het
Marki* 03/12/2018 Mosaic low leu - low creme het
Posey Daugherty 11/DD/2020 Mosaic Piebald
Strax 05/24/2018 Mosaic Piebald
Trish/Maui female 05/24/2018 Mosaic
Trish/Maui girl 11/01/2017 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Zinnia sugarkisses 01/14/2021 Black Beauty 6.25% Creme Het 12.5% Lue het
Added by Melissa Evans ; )
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree