Yowler x Hawaii girl
Name Yowler x Hawaii girl (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Unknown
Gender Female
Father Yowler Lamb
Mother Hawaii Lamb
Picture Unknown
Color Classic Grey
Inbred percentage 0.4478 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Koi-ai/Bessie boy x Yowler/Hawaii girl MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Brothers and sisters
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Atari Roe 01/25/2021 Mosaic
Octavia DE 12/05/2022 Mosaic Ringtail Bb mosaic low leu,albino & creme
PDG duchess 10/25/2020 Ringtail
Seely Booth - Feather 04/30/2022 Classic Grey
Tauros Lamb MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Vanessa ~🩷~ Krissy 12/28/2021 Mosaic Ringtail 12.5 leu 6.25 albino Low cream
Yowler x Hawaii lamb MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey very low everything het
Added by sherri
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree