Noah TS CMcC
Name Noah TS CMcC (click to view pedigree)
Owner Courtney McCarten
Breeder Tara Swilley
Gender Male
Father Sully ts
Mother Belle ts
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 08/31/2020
Color Classic Grey
Remarks Deceased due to an accident 10/2/2021
Inbred percentage 0.7716 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Junior -CMcC 10/28/2021 Classic Grey
Brothers and sisters
11 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
BooBoo TS 08/07/2021 Mosaic
Dash TS 05/31/2022 Mosaic
Elvis TS 09/01/2020 Mosaic
Naida NG TS 03/24/2021 Black Beauty
Nixon TS 04/21/2020 Black Beauty
Olaf TS 11/23/2021 Mosaic
Raistlin TS 03/24/2021 Black Beauty
Stella TS 11/4/2022 Classic Grey
Talon TS 11/04/2022 Mosaic
TeFiti NG 03/24/2021 Black Beauty
Yogi TS 08/07/2021 Black Beauty
Added by Tara Taylor Swilley
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree