Independence - Piebald - TPG
Name Independence - Piebald - TPG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Priscilla Price
Breeder Priscilla Price
Gender Female
Father Princeton - TPM - TPG
Mother Liberty - Piebald Mosaic - TPG
OOP Date 01-08-18
Color Mosaic Piebald
Genetics 100% plat or leu/25% al
Inbred percentage 2.0706 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Anya - TPG - Mosaic 07/01/2021 Mosaic 100% plat or leu 12.5% al
Collin III - TPG - Leucistic 09/23/2021 Leucistic 100% plat or leu 12.5% al
Collin Jr & Independence MOS - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Genna - TPG - Leucistic 04/13/2021 Leucistic 100% plat or leu 12.5% al
Ice-Walker - TPG WOW PIE 01/10/2021 Mosaic (unusual) 50% plat 38% leu 12.5% al
Koffee - TPG 10/15/2020 Classic Grey 50% plat 38% leu 12.5% al
Brothers and sisters
Added by hellcao
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree