AO Belle
Name AO Belle (click to view pedigree)
Owner Tonia Johnson
Breeder Annette Zove
Gender Female
Father Cotton (E.S.G.) previously Heartlands Cotton
Mother Tegan (E.S.G.)
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 7/21/2018
Color Mosaic
Remarks white mo, paired with bb to prove. Proved out to be white mo 100% leu het
Inbred percentage 2.4463 %
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
AM Scar 3/1/2023 Leucistic 100% Mystery Red
AO Katniss 08/16/2020 Mosaic 66% Lue Het & 50% Creamino Het
AO Simba (Rainah) 08/16/2020 Mosaic 66% Lue Het & 50% Creamino Het
AO Thumper 04/2021 Mosaic White mosaic 100% Mystery Red het
Ashke 01/17/2020 Mosaic Leu het
Emily Bearden 04/2021 Leucistic 100% Mystery Red Het
Gabbana SF MM/DD/YYYY Leucistic 100% Mystery Red het
MK Selene 04/2021 Leucistic Lue or white mosaic 100 % Mystery Red Het
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
(E.S.G.) Tegan/Cotton test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
(E.S.G.) Tegan/Cotton test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Dexter (C.N.L) 07/21/2018 Mosaic White Mosaic/100% leu het from pied lines
rom msr 10/28/15 Leucistic xxxxxx
Added by Lori Hackworth
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree