Chloe TGL (SMSG)
Name Chloe TGL (SMSG) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Sarah Cox
Breeder Tammy Ralls
Gender Female
Father Korben SMSG (SSGG)
Mother Leeloo SMSG (RG)
OOP Date 10/31/2019
Color Cremeino Mosaic
Genetics 66% leu, 50% plat
Remarks From strong red lines
Inbred percentage 1.873 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Chloe x Lumen/Nicodemus test joey SMSG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
CoCo TGL 10/10/2020 Classic Grey 50% leu, 50% cremeino, 25% plat
Fancy TGL 1/19/2021 Mosaic Piebald 100% creme, 66% leu, 50% plat
Miles TGL 10/12/2020 Mosaic 50% creme, 50% leu, 25% plat
Stitch TGL 07/11/2021 Platinum 50% crème, 50% leu, 25% plat
TEST JOEY Chloe x Jasper girl TGL MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 50% creme, 50% leu, 25% plat
Brothers and sisters
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Andy SMSG 4/20/2021 Cremeino Mosaic Strawberry twin
Bennie SMSG 9/8/2020 Creme-ino 66% leu, 50% plat
Lady In Red SMSG 07/20/2019 Creme-ino 66% leu het
Lady In Red~RSSG* (SMSG) 07/20/2019 Creme-ino 66% leu het (need to verify)
Leslies Ruby SMSG 02/06/2020 Creme-ino 66% leu het
Obi RG (SMSG) 10/31/2019 Creme-ino 66% leu het
Odin-KRD (SMSG) 10/31/2019 Creme-ino 66% leu het
Ollie SMSG 4/20/2021 Strawberry 100% cremeino
Reggie SMSG MM/DD/YYYY Cremeino Mosaic 66% leu, 50 % plat
TEST JOEY Leeloo x Korben SMSG 11/09/2019 Cremeino Mosaic 66% leu het, 50% plat
TestJoey MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Willow SN (SMSG) 02/06/2020 Creme-ino 66% leu het
Added by Tammy Ralls
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree