Pann (Shawnadee)
Name Pann (Shawnadee) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Shawna Grayham
Breeder Annette Zove
Gender Male
Father Bourbon (E.S.G.)
Mother Aurora (E.S.G.)
OOP Date 12/23/17
Color Mosaic
Remarks dusted white heart on head
Inbred percentage 0.9094 %
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Belle/Pann (Shawnadee) test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Belle/Pann (Shawnadee) Test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
DSRX Gambit 09/20/2021 Mosaic Piebald 100% Leu Het
Jojeaux GeauxGliders 08/29/2021 Classic Grey 100% Het LEU Cistic, 25% HET Crem-ino
Leo (Shawnadee) 07/29/19 Classic Grey
LHR Valentine 12/22/2019 Mosaic
Starr (shawnadee) 06/20/19 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Stripe (shawnadee) 6/20/19 Black Beauty
Tootles (shawnadee) 02/01/2019 Classic Grey 100% Leucitics HET Proven
Brothers and sisters
15 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
(E.S.G.) Aurora/Bourbon test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
(E.S.G.) Aurora/Bourbon test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Aldonza (E.S.G.) 2013/02/07 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Cayden 11/13/12 Mosaic
Cayden - Tsp Sugar (E.S.G.) 2012/11/13 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Chiffon (Bourbon) 2011/12/07 Mosaic Dusted Silver mosaic
Diya (E.S.G.) 03/24/2016 Mosaic Piebald Diya also has a small reverse stripe on the back of her neck
Ginny LTS 11/08/2012 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Heartlands Drift 2012/05/26 Mosaic Dusted white
Heartlands Diego 05/03/2013 Mosaic with reverse white stripe WF
Mara Lamb 2012/05/26 Mosaic wf with flash on neck
Nevaeh (E.S.G.) 11/12/2017 Mosaic Piebald
Sheba (E.S.G.) 10-19-2017 Mosaic Piebald
Tia (E.S.G.) 2012/03/01 Mosaic Piebald
Yin (E.S.G.) 04/05/2014 Mosaic Piebald Piebald with reverse strip as a joey
Added by Shawnadee
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree