Plati Adi
Name Plati Adi (click to view pedigree)
Owner Denitsa Zayakova
Breeder Unknown
Gender Female
Father Dik
Mother Aury -- ValePet
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 05/11/2019
Color Platinum
Genetics 100% leu
Remarks Silverbelle
Inbred percentage 7.9041 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Apolo 11/22/2020 White Faced Blonde 100% plat/ leu
Bebés Plati y Paris 11/22/2020 Leucistic
Himura 05/10/2021 Platinum 66%leu
Kino 08/29/2021 Leucistic
Myrela yejo 08/06/2020 Platinum 66% leu
Tofu 11/22/2020 Leucistic Posible mocistic
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Byorn 12/24/2018 Platinum 100% leu
Noa 12/24/2018 Leucistic
Polet 09/05/2019 Leucistic Posible mocistic
Polet - Stheff 09/05/2019 Leucistic 25% cremino
Shiro 09/05/2019 Platinum 100% leu
Suzy yejo 01/03/2020 Leucistic Mosaico
Added by Denitsa Zayakova
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree