Name Charm-LSS (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Rachael Witt The Little Sugar Shack
Gender Female
Father Galen - Contessa Critters
Mother Zephyra - Contessa Critters
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 03/03/2019
Color Classic Grey
Genetics Pied Lines (100% Cremino Het, 66% Plat or Leu Het)
Inbred percentage 0.5945 %
Brothers and sisters
11 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Eva-LSS 01/17/2017 Mosaic
G/Z test Joey 8/7/2019 Mosaic
Galen - Zephrya - Test Joey MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Lucky-LSS 03/03/2019 Classic Grey Pied Lines (100% Cremino Het, 66% Plat or Leu Het)
Noelle-LSS 12/13/2017 Ringtail Pied Lines...RT Mosaic (100% Cremino Het, 66% Plat or Leu Het).
Oakley-LSS 01/24/2016 Mosaic Pied Lines (100% Creme Het, 66% Plat/Leu Het)
Ringo-LSS 06/21/2018 Ringtail RTMO from Pied Lines (100% Cremino Het, 66% Leu or Plat Het).
Rocket LSS 06/21/2017 Classic Grey 100% Cremeno het, 66% Leu or Plat Het from Pied lines
Summer-LSS 08/06/2019 Mosaic From Pied Lines (100% Cremino Het, 66% Leu or Plat Het)
Trike-LSS 08/14/2016 Mosaic Pied lines...(100% Creme-ino, 66% Leu or Plat)
Trisha-LSS 08/14/2016 Mosaic Pied Lines... minimally marked MO (100% Creme-ino Het, 66% Leu or Plat Het).
Added by Luna
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree