Name KMphoebeJ18boy (click to view pedigree)
Owner K Miller
Breeder K Miller
Gender Male
Father KMSimba
Mother KMPhoebe
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 11/04/2018
Color Mosaic Ringtail
Inbred percentage 1.6418 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
LLHades19 08/07/2019 Cremeino Mosaic
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Chulo 06/08/2020 Ringtail
Coda Bear 11/10/2020 White Face
KMStuart17 12/2/2017 Ringtail
MHG JellyBean 09192019 Classic Grey
Phoebe M.bmos 12/02/2017 Mosaic 16.5% Creme, 12.5% Leu, 12.5% Albino, White Tip line
Simbajoey M. MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey 16.5% Creme, 12.5% Leu, 12.5% Albino, White Tip line
Added by K Miller
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree