Name ~Leif~ (click to view pedigree)
Owner Vicky Serrano
Breeder Vicky Serrano
Gender Male
Father ~Hiccup~
Mother ~Freya~
OOP Date 12/11/2018
Color Mosaic
Genetics 50% Leu het/50% Creme Het~Low albino
Remarks Cow ears and he has a grey light ring on his tail, his mom is from Red and Paradox Lines.
Inbred percentage 1.8327 %
Brothers and sisters
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
As Moon Mosaic
~Leah~ 12/11/2018 Black Beauty 50% Leu het/50% Creme het~ Low albino het
Added by Peculiars Gliders
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree