Gweneth TPG
Name Gweneth TPG (click to view pedigree)
Owner Maria Schulz
Breeder Priscilla Price
Gender Female
Father Nights Watch - Mosaic - TPG
Mother Becilia & Lavinia - Mosaics - TPG
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 06/29/2017
Color Mosaic
Genetics 25%pla, 41,25% leu, 12,5% albino
Inbred percentage 1.7517 %
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
MS Gaia 09/22/2020 Mosaic (unusual) 100% Platinum, 100% Leucistic, 50% Cremeino, 10% Albino
MS Galvin 02/11/2020 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic 100% Platinum, 100% Leucistic, 50% Cremeino, 10% Albino
MS Geleg 09/22/2020 Platinum 100% Platinum, 100% Leucistic, 50% Cremeino, 10% Albino
MS Gideon 05/09/2020 Mosaic Ringtail 100% Leucistic, 40% Platinum, 50% Cremeino, 10% Albino
Brothers and sisters
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Constellation - Mosaic - TPG 07/28/17 Mosaic 100% plat
Nights Watch & Becilia/Lavinia MOS - TPG MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Added by Maria Schulz
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree