Evee Hammarstrom AKA Zoey
Name Evee Hammarstrom AKA Zoey (click to view pedigree)
Owner Unknown
Breeder Jen Hammarstrom
Gender Female
Father Dean Hammarstrom
Mother Hydra Hammarstrom
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 08/14/2017
Color Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Genetics 50% Plat/Leu, Partial reverse stripe, heart on head, from progressive pied lines
Inbred percentage 1.2612 %
Brothers and sisters
12 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Aloha Hammarstrom 04/15/2021 Mosaic Possible ringtail. Had a ring as baby. 50% plat or leu het, bb lines on dads side. Fuqua lines. Progressive pied lines both sides
Auggie Peltier 11/22/2020 Mosaic PET ONLY NEUTERED
Basil GSG 07/18/2016 Platinum 50% LEU
Bella 11/19/2020 Classic Grey 50 plat 50 leu
Cosmo (B.L.L) 01/24/2018 Mosaic 50% plat/leu
Fiona (KNG) 05/08/2017 White Face 50% leu/plat het
Kaia Hammarstrom 01/24/2018 Mosaic 50 plat or Leu Pet only sold to Helena Celeste
Lavender/ Harmony GSG 10/22/2016 Classic Grey 50% plat/leu het
no name decesaed 05/18/2020 Mosaic decesased day after neuter, possible anesthesia
Violet/Cadence GSG 10/22/2016 White Face 50%plat/leu het
Wilfred (KNG) 05/08/2017 Mosaic 50% leu/plat het
Yin yang 04/15/2021 Mosaic Wf PET ONLY
Added by Jennifer Hammarstrom
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree