Blossom KB
Name Blossom KB (click to view pedigree)
Owner Kristy Buchanan
Breeder Jill Flores
Gender Female
Father Anders TAC
Mother Amelia TAC
OOP Date 10/13/2017
Color Mosaic
Genetics 25% creme,12.5% Albino, 100% Leu (Proven)
Remarks 100% Leu Proven
Inbred percentage 0.9788 %
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Presley- DS 10/07/2021 Classic Grey 16.5% creme, 6.25% leu/plat
Presley-DS 10/07/2021 Classic Grey 16.5% creme, 6.25% leu/plat
test baby blossom Chase MSQW MM/DD/YYYY Ringtail
Zaboomafoo 03/05/2019 Ringtail 25% Creme het 12.5% Albino het
Brothers and sisters
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Alara - CC 03/01/2016 Mosaic True Platinum Mosaic
Amelia joey test MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Houdini 4/01/2019 White Face 25% creamino,12.55 lue/Plat & Albino
Jack Daniels MS 02/27/2017 Mosaic (unusual) Silver/Platinum Mosaic 25% Creme het/ 13% albino het/ 8% lue het
Nixon 02/27/2017 Mosaic 25% creme het/100% plat/lue proven/low albino
Quill Berry Envy 07/04/2017 Classic Grey 25% Creme Het,12.5% Albino, 6.25%Lue
S.B. Annora 09/26/2015 White Face
Sissy Boots and Buckles (RITZ)(PET ONLY AS OF 12/25/2018) 10/13/2017 Mosaic (unusual) 25% Creamino, low leu/plat & low low albino.
Added by Jill Flores
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree