Arrow (DMS)
Name Arrow (DMS) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Alexzandria Hill
Breeder Misty L Clark
Gender Male
Father Freedom (DMS)
Mother Melody DMS
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 08/22/2017
Color Classic Grey
Genetics 50% cream 50% leu/plat 6.25% albino
Inbred percentage 0.8846 %
Brothers and sisters
10 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Annalise(DMS) 12/02/2018 Platinum 50% cream het 6.25% albino het
Baby (DMS) 05/16/2018 Classic Grey 50% Leu/Plat het 50% Cream het 6.25 Albino het
Bella (DMS) 04/23/2018 Mosaic Ringtail 50% leu/plat her 50% cream her 6.25% albino het
Frost (DMS) 12/24/2017 Mosaic 50% cream, 50% plat OR leu, and low albino (6.25%)
Jack (DMS) 12/24/17 Classic Grey 50% cream 50% plat or leu and low albino 6.25% dbl pied lines
Lunar (DMS) 08/21/2018 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic 50% cream het low albino het
Mara (DMS) 12/02/2018 Mosaic Ringtail 50% cream het 50% plat/leu 6.25% albino
Skye (DMS) 08/21/2018 Platinum 50% cream het low albino het
Tempo (DMS) 03/24/2016 Mosaic 100% Cream het Proven 50% Plat or Leu 6.25% Albino
Treble (DMS) 03/24/2016 Classic Grey 50% Creme 50% Plat or Leu 6.25% Albino
Added by Misty
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree