Karmin MLG
Name Karmin MLG (click to view pedigree)
Owner LaShawn Mynhier
Breeder Unknown
Gender Female
Father Artie TM
Mother Misty tm
OOP Date 12/20/2016
Color Mosaic Marble
Inbred percentage 1.299 %
20 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
AMKE Legolas 07/07/2020 Mosaic Marble
Appa mbsg 02/05/2020 Mosaic (unusual)
Baloo mbsg 06/18/2021 Cremeino Mosaic 50% plat, 25%leu
Bentley 06182021 Cremeino Mosaic 100% leu, 50% plat
CAB- Rubellite 03/18/2019 Ruby Leu LEU HEIT Carmino MOSAIC MOM RUBY LEU OR ALBINO DAD
Fee mbsg 02/05/2020 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic Tpm,cow ears, pied and ruby lines
Jasmine MLG 07/23/2018 Creme-ino
Liam & Karm FOS MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
liam x karmin mos MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
PaleAle 09/16/2019 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic
Paris MLG 03/24/2018 Creme-ino
Spicyboy 06/18/2021 Cremeino Mosaic 50% plat, 25% leu 16.5% white tip 6.25% lion 0.4% albino
THOR MLG 08/21/2017 Mosaic Piebald
Triplesec mbsg 12/28/2020 Mosaic Piebald
Tulip MLG 03/02/2019 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Uneekuwa MLG 06/13/2019 Mosaic (unusual)
Ursula CRG 06/13/2019 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Whiskey MLG 03/18/2019 Ruby Leu
Winetwin mbsg 07/07/2020 Mosaic Marble
Zanuke MLG 06/13/2019 Mosaic (unusual) 100% Leu Heit
Brothers and sisters
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Artie x misty test Joey boy MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Sweet boy 12/20/2016 Classic Grey Strong piebald lines on both sides
Added by Tonya Moore
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree