Betty Jo Rudd
Name Betty Jo Rudd (click to view pedigree)
Owner Alicia (Queenduck) Rudd
Breeder Virginia Keim
Gender Female
Father Stormy Keim
Mother Tawny Keim
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 09/2009
Color Classic Grey
Genetics 100% proven cremino het. Possibility that father Stormy was an albino instead of a cremino. Would make her a 50% albino het.
Inbred percentage 0.5798 %
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Elizabeth Rudd 2012/06/15 Creme-ino
Freedom X Betty Jo YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
GBG Annie Sue MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino
GBG Betty Anne MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Lucky LAK YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey 100% cremino het
LYG Sapphire YYYY/MM/DD Creme-ino
Picasso -faith 2011/04/11 Creme-ino
Riddick TL Classic Grey 50-66%Cremeino het, low leu het
Talia Lynch 2010/04 Creme-ino
Brothers and sisters
Added by jacknsally
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree