Georgia Lamb
Name Georgia Lamb (click to view pedigree)
Owner Sherri Lamb
Breeder Peggy Brewer
Gender Female
Father Snag Brewer
Mother Drika Brewer
Color Classic Grey
Genetics Bfbb lines
Inbred percentage 1.2207 %
10 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Crisp Lamb MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Dilly Babcock 01/10/2017 Black Beauty Dilly is a Bf from Bfbb lines 12.5% Leu het
Fannin Lamb MM/DD/YYYY Black Beauty Bf lines
HoneyBee Lamb MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Julian Lamb 01/27/2021 Classic Grey 25% leu het
Marietta Lamb MM/DD/YYYY White Face
Peaches Lamb 05/03/2016 Black Beauty bf from bfbb lines
Pecan Lamb 02/24/2019 White Face Wf bf lion
Precious Babcock 03/10/2017 White Face 12.5% Leu het from bfbb lines
Vidalia Lamb 05/03/2016 Black Beauty from bfbb lines
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Dez* 05/15/2017 Black Beauty
DSRX Booth (CL) 08/16/2015 BFBB - Black Face Black Beauty
DSRX Seymour (CL) 09/23/2016 Melanistic 100% leu het proven
Peggy* 05/15/2017 BFBB - Black Face Black Beauty
Scarlett Brewer 01/29/2016 BFBB - Black Face Black Beauty
Thelma Brewer MM/DD/YYYY BFBB - Black Face Black Beauty
Added by sherri
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree