Tiffanie TRD
Name Tiffanie TRD (click to view pedigree)
Owner Tammie Dean-Graves
Breeder Tammie Dean-Graves
Gender Female
Father Asher
Mother Teresa
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 09/20/2016
Color Mosaic
Genetics 100% Leucistic,100% Ruby Lue, 66% Cremeino
Remarks Speckled ears
Inbred percentage 3.3458 %
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Pinky TRD 06/06/2017 Mosaic White Mo 50% Luecistic 33% Cremeino het
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Annabelle (BayouGliders) 04/18/2020 Classic Grey
Clarice MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino 100%lue het
Gypsy TRD 05/26/2016 Mosaic Ringtail 100% Lue het, 66% cremeino het
Lucinda TRD 03/09/2017 Leucistic 66% Cremeino
Lucious TRD 03/09/2017 Ruby Leu 100% Luecistic 100% Cremeino
Ragnor TRD 09/20/2016 Creme-ino 100% lue het
Added by Tammie Dean-Graves
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree