Rafiki (Cinnamonstix)
Name Rafiki (Cinnamonstix) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Gwen Hovde
Breeder Snowbabygliders
Gender Male
Father Dougal - White Face Blonde - TPG
Mother Isabelle (snowbabygliders)
OOP Date 2010/03/04
Color Classic Grey
Genetics 100% PROVEN Leu Het, 25% Haley Plat Het
Remarks Paired with Rajah
Inbred percentage 1.0559 %
14 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bentley 2011/11/21 Leucistic Possible Mosaic, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Castiel 11/01/2014 Mosaic Mocistic, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Crowley 11/01/2014 Mosaic Mosaic, 66% Leu Het, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Little Foot 05/12/2016 Classic Grey 66% Leu Het, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Melbourne 2011/05/01 Classic Grey 66% Leu Het, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Olivia 2011/08/24 Classic Grey 66% Leu Het, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Opal (cinnamonstix) 2012/05/07 Mosaic Mocistic, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Persephone La (Bond) 10/30/2012 Classic Grey 66% Leu Het, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Petrie 09/16/2016 White
Romeo (TLS) 2011/01/26 Mosaic 66% Leu Het, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Ryker SSGG 2012/08/05 Mosaic Piebald 66% Leu Het, Non-Sterile Lines
Sydney GNW 2011/05/01 Leucistic Possible Mosaic, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Xena 09/04/2013 Leucistic Possible Mosaic, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Zorro 09/04/2013 Classic Grey 66% Leu Het, Non-Sterile Lines, Proven Pied Producing Line (Possible Het)
Brothers and sisters
Added by cinnamonstix
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree