S & S - Anwar - Caramel
Name S & S - Anwar - Caramel (click to view pedigree)
Owner Suzette Stidom
Breeder Bred in the Wild
Gender Male
Father Indonesian Wild Male Caramel (2A)
Mother Indonesian Wild Female Caramel (2A)
OOP Date 2008
Color Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Genetics Sub-species Petaurus Breviceps Flavidus Caramel color from Merauka Indonesia.
Remarks First Generation Pure Caramel. Wild Caught in Indonesia. Brought to the United States in 2010.
Inbred percentage 0 %
Brothers and sisters
Added by Suzette Stidom
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree