Glimmer - Mosaic - TPG
Name Glimmer - Mosaic - TPG (click to view pedigree)
Owner The Pet Glider
Breeder Priscilla Price
Gender Female
Father Gliden - Leucistic -TPG
Mother Zimmer - Mosaic - TPG
Picture Unknown
Color Mosaic
Genetics 100% het leu
Inbred percentage 2.124 %
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Bella Lynch KMG 12/05/2012 Leucistic Leucistic
Glitter - WFB - TPG 12/22/2014 White Faced Blonde 100% leu
Ladd III - Mosaic - TPG 01-20-14 Mosaic 100% leu
Ladd Jr. & Glimmer FOS - TPG YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Lassie - WFB - TPG 12/22/2014 White Faced Blonde 100% leu
LEU1 2012/12/15 Leucistic
Stardust-tsg 06/23/15 Mosaic 100% Leu het
Talbot - Piebald - TPG 4/13/2014 Mosaic Piebald 100% leu
Yuna - KC 08/26/2013 Mosaic 100% het for leucistic
Brothers and sisters
17 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Christian (snowbabygliders) 2008/12/05 White Faced Blonde 100% Leu Het
Denny - White Tip - TPG 10/1/14 White Tip 100% Leucistic
Gandalf - TPG 10/01/2011 Mosaic Powdered Mosaic 100% het for leucistic
Gliden & Zimmer Offspring - TPG YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Gwydion - Classic - TPG 2012/02/07 Classic Grey 100% het for leucistic / possible het for piebald
Hazard - Southland 2009/04/09 White Faced Blonde 100% leu het, mother is mosaic
Heartlands Freckles YYYY/MM/DD Mosaic 100% leu het
Hermione - Mosaic - TPG 2011/10/01 Mosaic 100% het for leucistic
ISG Sven 09/20/2013 Mosaic Ringtail 100% lue het from pied lines
magdalene YYYY/MM/DD White Faced Blonde WFB 100% leu het from mosaic lines
Mimmer Moms - wfb,100% leu het - TPG YYYY/MM/DD White Faced Blonde
Miss Kitty PBG 2008/07/28 White Face WFB, 100% leu het
sofee 7-26-08 Classic Grey 100%het leucistic
Zen - Mosaic - TPG 2008/12/05 Mosaic Piebald 100% het for leucistic
Zilo - Mosaic - TPG 2012/08/23 Mosaic 100% leucistic het, white face blonde mosaic, piebald family
Zim - mosaic, 100% het leu - TPG YYYY/MM/DD Mosaic 100% het leucistic
Zimi - 100% leu het YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey 100% het leu
Added by pedigree admin
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree