Name Shortcake (click to view pedigree)
Owner Wen Zhang
Breeder Becci Higgs
Gender Male
Father Maui
Mother Mai-Tai
OOP Date 12/30/2015
Color Creme-ino
Genetics White face cino, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
Remarks Formerly WG Copper
Inbred percentage 1.1199 %
5 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
baby 07/15/2017 Ringtail
Cozy Coco 09/13/2019 Creme-ino
Enya K MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino
Jasper 09/13/2019 Creme-ino
King Julien 10/23/2018 Ringtail Cremeino het
Brothers and sisters
15 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Boo 08/09/2015 Mosaic Ringtail 100% cino het wf min marked mo. 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines.
Epona MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Epona 11/05/2014 Mosaic Ringtail 100% cino het wf min marked mo. 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines.
Everest 02/23/2018 Cremeino Mosaic Possible white face cino mosaic, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
Kaiser 04/28/2015 Mosaic Ringtail 100% cino het wf rtmo. 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines.
Kingston 04/28/2015 Classic Grey 100% cino het 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
Maui/Mai-Tai joey MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
Rhia - JSS 12/30/2015 Creme-ino White face cino mosaic, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
Rhiannon 11/05/2014 Creme-ino Cino mosaic, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
WG Aragon 08/16/2017 White Face 100% cino het, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
WG Calamity 12/10/2016 Creme-ino Cino mosaic, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
WG Jasper 02/23/2018 Mosaic Ringtail Stunning ringtail mosaic, 100% cino het, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines.
WG Marvin 09/08/2016 Classic Grey 100% cinco het, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
WG Mayhem 06/02/2016 Mosaic 100% cino het wf mosaic. 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
WG Stardust 11/12/2017 Cremeino Mosaic Cino mosaic, 25% plat het/12.5% leu het from pied lines
Added by Becci
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree