Petrie HC (GLA)
Name Petrie HC (GLA) (click to view pedigree)
Owner Holly Coe
Breeder George Ayers
Gender Male
Father Ace GLA
Mother Aurora GLA
OOP Date 09/23/2015
Color Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Genetics 100% cremeino het, 16.5 % Plat or Leu het, 8.25 % Albino het.
Remarks (Neutered)Pet Only P.S. Enjoy Holly.
Inbred percentage 2.6039 %
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Tea Cup 11/28/2016 Creme-ino Low leu het and low albino het
Tina x Petrie test Joey MM/DD/YYYY Creme-ino
Brothers and sisters
18 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Aislin FBT 05/17/14 Creme-ino 16.5 lue het
Angel (GLA) 03/12/2015 Classic Grey 100 % Cremino het, 16.5 % Plat or Leu het,8.25 % Albino het. Pet only
Athair FBT 08-20-2014 Mosaic 100% Cremeino, 100% Luecistic, 8% Platinum
Attis (Resa) 08/20/2014 Mosaic Slightly strawberry tinted mosaic with garnet eyes. 100% cremino, 50% leu het proven (full brother produced a leu)
Beauty GLA 7/3/17 Mosaic Pied marker 100% Creamino het, 16.5 Plat het
Bella (GLA) 07/03/2017 Mosaic Ring tail Mosaic with reverse stripe 100% Cremino, 16.5 Leu or Plat & low Albino het (Deceased)
Boe (GLA) 5/21/2016 Creme-ino 16.5 % plat or Leu het. 8.25 % albino het
casarial (larson) 1/13/2013 Classic Grey 100% creme het low lue het
Dreamz JKW (GLA) 09/23/2015 Classic Grey 100% cremeino het, 16.5 % plat or Leu het,8.25 % albino het
Essence carroll 2/12/14 Classic Grey 100% creme-ino het
Izabella (GLA) 7/3/18 Classic Grey 50% Cremino,16.5% Plat or Leu,het, 8.25% Albino het.
jarella 06/28/13 Creme-ino Creme-ino mosaic
Jenna (GLA) 03/12/2015 Creme-ino Cremeino Mosaic, 16.5% Plat or Leu het, 8.25 % Albino het.Pet Only.
Lady LoReal Paris Do Love (TL) (GLA) 10/29/17 Mosaic Cremino Mosiac, Ringtail 16.5% Plat or Leu het, 8.25% Albino het.
Nina LW (GLA) 5/21/2016 Mosaic 100% Cremino het, 16.5 % plat or Leu het,8.25 % albino het.
Rachael (GLA) 12/5/2014 Classic Grey 100% Cremino, 16.5 % Plat or Leu het, 8.25 % Albino het.
viserian 11/13/13 Classic Grey Pet only to lexie led dell with sister and another pet only male
viserion (larson) 10/13/2013 Classic Grey 100% creme het low lue het
Added by George L Ayers
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree