Kimberly sgg
Name Kimberly sgg (click to view pedigree)
Owner Glory Jovi
Breeder Glory Jovi
Gender Female
Father Ridge SGG
Mother Tori SGG
Picture Unknown
Color Leucistic
Genetics Creme het
Inbred percentage 3.5797 %
11 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Arctic DP 01/10/2021 Mosaic White Mosaic het creme het leu
Jasper - SK 06-25-2016 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic 100 Leucistic, 100 Cremeino
Kemboysgg 07/24/2015 Mosaic TPM
Kemgirlsgg 07/24/2015 Platinum Mosaic leu crem het
Kemmosboysgg 06/25/2016 Mosaic 100 Creme 100 leu TPM
kimleugirl sgg 01/10/2021 Leucistic 100 Creme ino
Luna [SDDC] 12/01/2020 Platinum 100 leu, 100 crème het
Poe MM 09/20/2021 TPM – True Platinum Mosaic 100% cr het, 100% leu het
Rosie-TMC 12/01/2020 Platinum
Tahnee 7/24/2015 Platinum 100% leu 100% creme
Thorn CH 07/25/2017 Mosaic 100 Creme 100 leu
Brothers and sisters
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Kim sgg MM/DD/YYYY Platinum Creme het. Leu het
RidgetoriSGG 2012/2/14 Creme-ino 33% Leu het
RTtest SGG YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Salsa SGG 03/20/2014 Creme-ino 25% Leu het/50% Platinum Het
toriboysgg 03/20/2014 Creme-ino Leu het, Platinum Het
Toricremegirlsgg 08/01/2015 Creme-ino Leu/Plat het
Added by Glory Jovi
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree