Name Lady (click to view pedigree)
Owner Anita Marie Juszyk
Breeder A Tilley
Gender Female
Father Parker-GT
Mother Midori
OOP Date 05/07/2015
Color Mosaic
Genetics 66% plat het/33% leu het
Remarks From strong progressive pied lines
Inbred percentage 1.7932 %
7 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Castiel (Reynolds) 01/27/2016 Mosaic 66% let het 33% plat het
Emmett - Leu 04/20/2017 Leucistic 100% leu Het, possible plat.
Ivy 05/15/2016 Mosaic 100% leu het. possible plat het.
Kelso 10/22/2016 Leucistic 100% leu Het, possible plat.
Kobi 05/15/2016 Classic Grey 100% leu het. possible plat het.
Repo 10/22/2016 Leucistic 100% leu het, possible plat.
Snowball Jack SJG 04/08/2018 Leucistic 100% leu het, Poss Plat Het.
Brothers and sisters
4 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Hinny Brooks 05/07/2015 Mosaic 66% plat het/33% leu het
Hydra 09/04/2015 Mosaic Piebald 50% Plat/25% Leu het
Kahlani 07/15/2017 Mosaic 50% Plat/25% Leu het
Sugar 01/07/2016 Mosaic 66% plat/ 33% leu
Added by A Tilley
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree