Name Darien (click to view pedigree)
Owner Della Bermudez
Breeder Glory Jovi
Gender Male
Father Diego SGG
Mother Dora SGG
OOP Date 08/17/2014
Color Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Inbred percentage 0 %
6 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Lucas- MLG 07/24/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Nathan- MLG 07/24/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Sarena x Darien Joey- MLG MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
sarena x darien test joey MLG MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Starbright MLG 03/12/2016 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Starlight MLG 03/12/2016 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Brothers and sisters
40 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Ace TSC MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Ace WSF 12/21/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Amycaramelsgg 12/01/2013 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Axle 11/04/2013 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Beauchamp~ caramel FCC 2019/06/01 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Bing SGJ 04/15/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Boots sgg 2012/07/20 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Brachs 07/04/2016 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
caramel joeydd sgg 2012/07/20 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Cole* MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Corbin 02/20/2017 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
doraboysgg 03/01/13 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
doraboysgg 09/20/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
doracaramelboysgg 07/04/2016 Classic Grey
doragirlsgg 2015/03/01 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
DSRX Pistachio 02/08/2018 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia) Subspecies Petaurus Breviceps Flavidus
Ella/C 05/02/2014 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
GBG Boots MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Hiroshi KSG 04/15/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Horus Lamb MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Izan 06/06/2013 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Jane PCSG 03/01/2014 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Kat PAB 03/17/2020 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Kena hssg 12/01/2013 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Lindacaramelboysgg 04/15/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Lori Sonic MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Mickey SGB 04/15/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Misaki RLO MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
PVF Caramel Female 1 MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
PVF Gretta 02/11/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
PVF Gwen 02/11/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
PVF Jinx 02/11/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Raleigh (Cora) 06/01/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Rolo-swo 12/25/2016 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Sally FNQ 3/1/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Spice LC 06/01/2013 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
SS Ophelia MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Sunshine Girls* MM/DD/YYYY Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Twix MS 09/27/2017 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia) Sub-species Petaurus Breviceps Flavidus Caramel color from Merauka
Vi SGG 02/11/2015 Caramel (from Merauke, Indonesia)
Added by Glory Jovi
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree