GBG Carter
Name GBG Carter (click to view pedigree)
Owner Victoria Casella
Breeder Tyler Cleckley
Gender Male
Father GBG Candid
Mother GBG Zenon - Mosaic
Picture Unknown
Color Mosaic Piebald
Inbred percentage 0.8789 %
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
AS Cally* and Sally* 05/01/2014 Mosaic 25% creme het 12.5% leu het
Cally* and Sally* MM/DD/2014 Mosaic 25% creme het 12.5% leu het
GBG Carter x Pixie MM/DD/YYYY Classic Grey
HSG Annalee 05/15/2015 Mosaic WF Mosaic
Moo* 01/01/2015 Mosaic 25% cremeino 12.5% leu het
Piper and Pepper (Sgc) O4//2015 Black Beauty
Shu* 01/01/2015 Mosaic 25% creme het 12.5% leu het
Tapir-WoW 08/01/2014 Ringtail From pied lines.
Brothers and sisters
1 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
GBG Coach MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
Added by GliderBoy Gliders
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree