Name Loli (click to view pedigree)
Owner Amber Parchym
Breeder Nicole Bustamante
Gender Female
Father Gilthanas - JustforFuzzies
Mother Rosa - JustforFuzzies
OOP Date 2009/11/7
Color Mosaic
Genetics WF Mosaic/50% Leucistic Het/33% Cremino Het
Remarks Pure lue and cremino lines. Her mother has garnet eyes.
Inbred percentage 0 %
2 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Nyota - TTSG - Original Entry 2010/12/31 Mosaic 66% Leu Het/50% Cremino Het (Owner says she has garnet eyes.)
Nyota TTSG 12/31/10 Mosaic 100% cremino het proven 100% platinum het proven
Brothers and sisters
10 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Carlisle 2009/7/15 Ringtail Ringtail Mosaic/100% Leu Het(Proven)/33% Cremino Het
Garnet - JustForFuzzies 2010/9/10 Mosaic Mosaic/50% Leucistic Het/50% Cremino Het
Gilthanas-Rosa Joey YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Jasper-SuggiesRUs 2010/09/10 Ringtail 50% Leu Het; 33% Cremino het
KK- SJ Gliders 2011/02/22 White Face
Lukas 2009/7/17 Mosaic WF Mosaic/50% Leu Het/33% Cremino Het
Patches 10/24/2011 Mosaic 50% het creme-ino/50% het leucistic
Patchwerk (retired) 2011/10/24 Mosaic 100% het leucistic (proven)
Pop 2009/11/7 Mosaic WF Mosaic/50% Leu Het/33% Cremino Het
Stitch 2010/3/27 Mosaic WF Mosaic/50% Leu Het/33% Cremino Het
Added by Nicole Bustamante
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree