Snackie Jack
Name Snackie Jack (click to view pedigree)
Owner Laci Kerridge
Breeder Sherri Lamb
Gender Male
Father Stuart Lamb
Mother Darla Lamb
Picture Unknown
OOP Date 01/14/2013
Color Mosaic
Remarks Neutered 6.12.15 Dr.Karawacki/Willingboro,NJ
Inbred percentage 0 %
3 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Angelus♡ 03/14/14 Mosaic 25% Lue het(Mothers Father Proved out 100% Lue het)
Groo♡ 09/08/2014 Classic Grey 25%Lue Het(Mothers Father Proved 100% Lue Het)
Lokie 03/14/14 Mosaic 25% Lue het(Mothers Father Proved out 100% Lue het)
Brothers and sisters
10 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
2 Face Lamb 2012/07/21 Mosaic
Eme Lamb 2012/04/12 Mosaic
Ero Lamb 2012/04/12 Black Beauty
Finny Lamb 2012/12/12 Mosaic
Jake Lamb 2013/01/14 White Face
Polly 01/18/2012 Mosaic Ringtail
Raeka Lamb 2012/01/18 Mosaic
Shays Dundee 2012/04/12 Black Beauty
Stewie Lamb 2012/09/13 White Face
Tiny Treasures Faith 2012/10/15 Mosaic
Added by Dmlplaci
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree