HSG Swizzle
Name HSG Swizzle (click to view pedigree)
Owner Tina Butler
Breeder Cathy Hart
Gender Male
Father HSG Magoo
Mother HSG LoveLee
OOP Date 02/03/2014
Color Mosaic
Inbred percentage 0 %
8 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Ginger-dm 12/19/2017 Mosaic (unusual)
ginger-sk 12/19/2017 Mosaic (unusual)
Kris 07/05/2015 Mosaic White Tip, Het Leu, Het Ringtail
pearl-sk 12/09/2017 Mosaic (unusual) het bb pied lines
quinn - vh 04/24/2018 Leucistic het albino
rickey 07/04/2016 Mosaic Ringtail
ringbutt-sk 01/18/2017 Ringtail het cremeino
saphyra-vh 04/16/2018 Mosaic with reverse white stripe
Brothers and sisters
9 Animals found.
Name OOP Date Color Genetics
Brooklyn YYYY/MM/DD Classic Grey
Brooklyn 03/23/13 Mosaic
GBG Idjee MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic Piebald
Genevieve 02/03/2014 Ringtail Mosaic
HSG Berkley 08/02/2011 Mosaic 8thn Generation Producing Sterile Lines
HSG Coolwhip 06/27/2014 Mosaic 8th Generation out of Sterile lines way back to Tilly
HSG Huckle MM/DD/YYYY Mosaic
HSG Ted 08/17/2011 Mosaic
Malcolm (ELGNT) 12/02/2012 Mosaic
Added by Cathy Hart
Inbred Pedigree Inbreeding pedigree